Team up
Start up
Get Funded

The Spirit of Enterprise is a unique 12-week, part-time program designed to develop the best founding teams to bring their ideas to market. We provide you with the skills, knowledge and support needed to thrive and provide guaranteed pre-seed funding at the end of the journey.

Start-up Program

The program is accessible for everyone due to the part time nature you will not have to quit your job.. yet.

Personal & Team

During the program you will be tested in different team settings to test and form founding teams.


At the end of the program the Spirit of Enterprise fund will invest in the best performing teams.

Learn more about the program

Coming up

During The Future (co) Founders gathering you will meet and connect with people who want to startup a business to make more impact. You can get a taste of what the program is about. Every Future (co) founders event has a different set up, where we test program essentials and you can network with investors or other future (co) founders.

Invested startups
Event Participants
Cups of Coffee

Interested in participating?

Participant selection will be anonymous, based on an initial entry assessment. We welcome applications from people of all professional backgrounds, age, gender and socio-economic status and strive for diverse participant representation. Professional skills, expertise and experience will be taken into account in the case that additional criteria are required to select the final participant cohort.

You can apply through the online form by indicating your name and email address, and telling us why you are interested in joining the program. After submitting this information, you will be invited to the next step in the application process and the first assessment, which is supported by our partner Society College.

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